Wednesday, 2 May 2007

The Real, Real Doll

Being a real doll for Master Lex has been very enjoyable and exciting, he has been helping me to discover how to be a good sexy real life dolly for him to play with.

Dolly time usually involves me staring into space till my eyes begin to blur so that the pattern on the ceiling begins to merge into a new pattern of its own, only aware of commands I am perfectly tranquil in my mind, just doing what I am asked and then waiting for my next order. Occasionally I am aware and for a second I recall consciously what I have just been commanded to do… “Take off your top”…. Errr No…. OBEY Take your top off and throw it on the floorNooo I cant“FREEZE” He moves my arms into the air and pulls off my top. All the time I am thinking… move, go on just move, you can do it, you know you can if you want to just move I manage to move my toe, my hip a little but then “BLANK” and then…. ‘I errr … What was I saying’ oh yeah did you want to watch a film?

My eyes are wide open and my arm is being moved I am aware that I am very horny but that is it, my eyes are then closed and then I am awake, I am laid on the couch topless, my legs spread with Master Lex laid on top of me. He explains that he just posed me and showed me how he tickled me and played with my nipples and as I giggled he explains how I just lay emotionless, frozen and blank as he plays with me. I often wonder how I manage to stay motionless, especially whist being tickled.

I noticed recently that Master Lex has managed on a few occasions to get me completely naked totally bypassing my critical conscious mind, without me realizing until I am told to. Now if you had told me that this was possible, as a therapist I would have laughed but as time has gone by my unconscious has become well routined in responding to Master Lex, to obeying his every command and the desire to obey has increased day by day and been reinforced over and over… but I am still able to resist if I really want to.. but then I have to accept my punishment which usually involves my ass being spanked till it is bright red and stinging…

The first time Master Lex spanked me was because I would not speak with a French accent… This is something that I am not very good at and try to avoid as often as possible… I was naked at the time and laid in bed, Master Lex asked me to repeat what he said… “say Oui Monsieur”… No…. “SAY Oui Monsieur” NO!... “alright then”… ‘sorry I am being a bad girl aren’t I’“Lie on your stomach… FREEZE … bad girls should get their butts slapped, do you think thats a fair punishment”. ‘Mmmmmm yeaaaah’ I said with an unsure, hesitant slowness that almost said ‘Do I?’ He explained that if I did not say the things that he asked me I would get slapped… each time he ordered…”say Oui Monseiur”… I laughed cheekily and said NO! He slapped my ass… it made me laugh even more and the pain started to turn to pleasure as I though about how he was making me want to say it because I could not stand the pain... I continued to disobey him and when it got too much I would have to submit and say it or say part of it., which usually still ended in a slap… I enjoyed my ass slapping for being a bad girl, I think I will have to be a bit less obedient now and then. I think I enjoyed it so much because it meant that Master Lex could be his usual masterful dominant self and I had to be my normal submissive self and let him give me my punishment for being a bad girl. But another thing which I thought of later was that I laughed all the way through and I have noticed that I seem to really enjoy all suggestions that involve laughing which I suppose is quite natural… or is it?…